What is normal for my eyes?
At Glamoureyes, your vision
is important to us.
94% of the information that we gather from the world is through our vision. From a young age we watch and learn through our parents. As we begin school, we read storybooks, watch movies, TV and classroom demonstrations from our teachers. As we start our career, we interact with our customers, colleagues, friends and family. Eye contact is a very big aspect of making a connection.
We need our keen sense of vision to be productive in our jobs, in our sports, in our friendships and this is even more true in today’s society with the adoption of technology such as smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.
Part 1 of your vision puzzle is your vision clarity, which can be improved with glasses, orthokeratology, contact lenses or laser surgery.
Part 2 of your vision puzzle has got to do with maintaining your eye health. Regular eye examinations allow our optometrists to screen for diseases that threaten our sight such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, epiretinal membrane and retinal detachments. We can also treat and manage common problems such as dry eyes, pterygiums, in-turned eyelashes, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
We recommend routine eye examinations for all ages at least every 18 months to 2 years.
For those in higher risk groups such as over 55s, people with family history of glaucoma, macular degeneration or glasses, and those with developing cataracts, or children with long-sightedness or other binocular vision problems which the optometrist is monitoring for potential eye problems to develop, we would recommend earlier eye examination.
There are certain aspects of our vision and eye health
that our optometrists will look for in a regular eye examination.
Learn more about these potential eye and vision problems.
Babies to 4 years of age
In these early years, our children are developing and learning new things every single day. We want to ensure that there aren’t any major vision problems which may need early treatment or correction with an ophthalmologist.
Our optometrists will exclude the need for full time glasses at this age with high degrees of long-sightedness (hypermetropia), astigmatism, short-sightedness (myopia), eye turns (strabismus), lazy eyes (anisometropia) or poor eye movements which could indicate neurological disorders and brain tumours.
Tell tale signs and sometimes include:
Droopy eyelids
Flash Reflections from the eyes in photos don’t appear symmetrical
Walks into walls, tables, coffee tables and sofas
Has trouble concentrating on the television
Has trouble concentrating on the phone screen
Family history of lazy eyes at a young age
Family history of eye turns at a young age
Family history of high prescriptions at a young age (short and longsightedness)
*Family history can include parents, grandparents, great grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins, siblings.
5 to 12 years of age
Your child has just started school and is learning about colours, letters, words, drawing and is starting to build a foundation for their learning as they become older.
Our optometrists will check for the need for reading glasses, long distance glasses (for reading the board and watching TV), focussing muscle weaknesses, eye turns (strabismus), poor eye tracking, poor eye movements, high degrees of long-sightedness (hypermetropia) and short-sightedness (myopia), high degrees of astigmatism, droopy eyes, dry eyes, allergic conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis.
Tell tale signs there may be a problem include:
Squinting while watching TV or sitting closer to the TV
Copying classmates and not seeing the board clearly
Tired eyes or rubs eyes a lot.
Gets tired easily after school after little activity throughout the day.
Slow to learn to read
Falling behind in class in learning
Covers one eye when reading
Rubs eyes a lot
Watery eyes
Red Eyes
Suffers from Eczma, Dermatitis or Asthma.
13 to 18 years of age
Your child is now moving into highschool where learning becomes more fast paced and accelerated. Your child is now engaging in more sports and social activities.
Our optometrists will aim to exclude needing long-distance glasses, reading glasses, eye focussing muscle problems which can develop later with a higher demand of reading, poor eye co-ordination in sports, poor eye tracking which can lead to skipping lines and losing place easily when reading, high degrees of astigmatism, short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hypermetropia).
Tell tale signs can include:
Squinting when watching TV at home
Copying friends and complaining of not seeing the board
Falling behind at school and not otherwise complaining
Tired eyes when reading
Blurry vision when reading
Avoids reading or doing homework
Poor eye and hand co-ordination with sports
Red eyes
Watery eyes
Irritated eyes
19 to 40 years of age
We’ve now started our working career and spend more time outdoors, indoors, on a computer/laptop/ipad/iphone. You have a very busy lifestyle with a jam packed schedule and poor vision is the last thing you need to cause you to fall behind in this world.
Our optometrists will check for things like needing a prescription to enhance your vision at work, driving, watching TV, computer work, eye strain related poor vision, dry eyes, allergic conjunctivitis, good general eye health and high risk candidates whom can develop eye diseases later in life.
Tell tale signs include:
Headaches when on the computer/reading or at the office
Squinting when reading
Not being able to read for long periods before experiencing tired eyes
Not seeing clearly when driving at night
Not seeing the subtitles on the TV or the cricket or tennis score on the TV
Flashes of light
Rubs eyes a lot
Gritty eyes
Irritated eyes
Watery eyes
Red eyes
41 to 65 years of age
Some of us are well established into our careers while others have started working again as our children have started to grow up. This is the age bracket where long arm syndrome starts to kick in as we notice that our focus becomes weaker and slower when reading – and we compensate by moving the page further away from us.
Our optometrist will check for the need for reading glasses, progressive spectacles, workstyle of occupational spectacles, eligibility for contact lenses for all the time or occasional wear, eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, central serous retinopathy, floaters, retinal tears, retinal detachments, retinal bleeds, diabetic retinopathy, pterygium, blepharitis.
66 years of age and over
Our cataracts have started to develop, our vision becomes cloudy and we have other co-existing ailments such as heart conditions, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.
As we age, we become more prone to developing eye disease, or we tend to put of little changes to our vision.
Our optometrist will test for the need for distance glasses , reading glasses, computer glasses, progressive glasses, eligibility for sunglasses, eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, central serous retinopathy, floaters, retinal tears, retinal detachments, epiretinal membranes, retinal haemorrhages such as branch retinal vein occlusions.